Kompetenzbereich Altlasten & Umwelt

Area of expertise

Contaminated sites & environment

In order to be able to recycle as many raw materials or building materials as possible in a construction project, the exact substances contained must be known. In the run-up to construction work, for example, we examine the soil to be excavated or structures to be demolished, analyse the chemical components and prepare waste and environmental assessments. This also includes utilisation concepts that show possible uses depending on the potential level of contamination. During construction, we ensure proper separation of the various contaminated materials and document the progress of the remediation work.


Unsere aktuellen Projekte aus dem Bereich Altlasten & Umwelt

Altlasten & Umwelt
Nachhaltiges Boden- und Abfallmanagement
Altlasten & Umwelt
Rückbau Gebäude 14, Havelland-Kaserne
Altlasten & Umwelt
Neugestaltung des Frankfurter Hauptbahnhofs
Altlasten & Umwelt
Sanierung eines Altlaststandortes