Who we are

We are a family-run enterprise and deliver results at the highest level

Founded in 1980, the two brothers and managing directors Christian and Christoph Spang have continuously developed the engineering office into a high-performance engineering company. Personal commitment to our clients is the basis of a successful company history. This success stems from the enduring commitment and reliability of our employees.

More than 320 highly qualified employees, who have a broad knowledge base from extensive practical experience, work together in different teams depending on the task at hand - both in project work and in the technical and commercial areas.

"We are helping to shape the future and are participating in both the energy transition and the expansion of infrastructure."

Dipl.-Ing. Christian Spang

Managing Director

Key areas of expertise

We take a comprehensive approach to our services

The extensive range of services offered by Dr. Spang GmbH not only includes the assessment of the subsoil, but is also complemented by services from a variety of other fields. This enables us to cater to the needs of our clients and offer employees a wide range of development opportunities. We create an open and respectful working environment, not only through our scientifically validated methods and modern work equipment, but especially through our motivated team. Our two geotechnical laboratories, in which numerous different geotechnical tests (soil mechanics, foundation engineering) are carried out with state-of-the-art equipment by an experienced laboratory team, are a unique selling point.

Our key areas of expertise

Engineering geology

We offer precise subsoil investigations, geotechnical measurements and stability analyses, including mountaineering inspections. Our foundation surveys cover structural, civil engineering and engineering structures as well as tunnelling, earthworks, rock and hydraulic engineering. We prepare route surveys for traffic and pipeline construction and plan the remediation of former mining sites.

Structural engineering

We offer comprehensive project and structural engineering planning in all work phases, including site management. Our range of services includes civil engineering with a focus on reinforced concrete structures for building construction, civil engineering and bridge construction as well as specialised civil engineering with shallow and deep foundations, underpinnings and anchoring. In underground construction, we specialise in tunnelling and gallery construction, while in hydraulic engineering we handle dam construction projects. We also carry out damage surveys, assessments and repair planning for engineering structures and offer local construction supervision as well as the preparation of special proposals.

Environmental protection and contaminated sites

We carry out historical research and initial assessments of contaminated sites, evaluate the risks posed by suspected contaminated sites and draw up remediation plans in accordance with the Federal Soil Protection Act and the Soil Protection Ordinance. We monitor remediation work, analyse the impact of facilities on nature and the landscape and develop soil utilisation and disposal concepts. We also assess old ballast in accordance with RIL 880, plan and monitor dismantling measures and act as an authorised representative in the electronic waste records procedure (eANV).


We carry out soil mechanical classification tests in our own laboratory, offer rock mechanical field and laboratory tests and carry out environmental field tests and sampling.

Preservation of evidence

We offer visual and structural preservation of evidence for buildings, structures, roads and surfaces, prepare damage assessments with monetary valuation and carry out vibration measurements.

Health and safety coordination (SiGeKo)

In accordance with the Construction Site Ordinance: In the planning and execution phase of building construction, civil engineering and engineering structures.


We offer the design, monitoring and evaluation of hydrogeological field tests as well as hydrological and hydrogeological mapping for drinking water protection areas. Our services include groundwater monitoring, modelling with finite element models (3-D, 2-D), hydraulic calculations and pollutant investigations. We also create transport models for groundwater damage, dimension dewatering systems for excavations and pipe trenches and carry out hydrogeological preservation of evidence.

Environmental impact assessment

We analyse and evaluate environmentally relevant interventions, prepare environmental impact assessments (EIA) and environmental reports in accordance with the German Building Code (BauGB). We also offer ecological construction supervision and landscape planning and environmental impact assessment.

Project management

We handle the cost and schedule monitoring of building, civil engineering and engineering structures during the planning and construction phase. Our services include project management, quality control and contract and follow-up management for clients and contractors.

Expert reports

On disrupted construction processes, compensation and construction time extension claims; on structural damage; on the preservation of evidence in civil and structural engineering projects.



Unsere Kompetenzbereiche im Überblick

Kompetenzbereich Geotechnik

Unsere größte Abteilung kümmert sich um die klassische Baugrunderkundung, teils sogar mit eigenen Erkundungsteams.

Kompetenzbereich Altbergbau

Wir recherchieren die bergbauliche Situation für neue Bauvorhaben oder vorhandene Bauwerke.

Kompetenzbereich Altlasten & Umwelt
Altlasten & Umwelt

Fachkundige Analysen ermöglichen die umweltschonende Wiederverwertung und Entsorgung von Baustoffen.

Kompetenzbereich Beweissicherung

Nach einer Begutachtung vorhandener Schäden erstellen wir bei Bedarf Sanierungskonzepte.


Steinschläge, Felsstürze und Hangrutsche werden durch vorherige Erkundungen vermieden.

Kompetenzbereich Grundwasser

Vorherige Messreihen und Pumpversuche können Grundwasser sowie Neubauten schützen.

Kompetenzbereich Natur- und Bodenschutz
Natur- und Bodenschutz

Bauprojekte in sensiblen Naturräumen erfordern eine weitsichtige Planung und Überwachung.

Kompetenzbereich Planung/Statik
Planung / Statik

Vom Spezialtiefbau bis zum Hochwasserschutz - dieser Bereich ist für alle Bauvorhaben grundlegend.

Kompetenzbereich Tunnelbau

Die Baugrunderkundung spielt beim gesamtem Tunnelbauprojekt eine entscheidende Rolle.

Alle Kompetenzbereiche ansehen

Certificates & Qualifications

You can rely on us - we deliver top quality at all levels

We are committed to high quality standards. They constitute the foundation of our work, as does reliability without exception. In the interests of our customers and our projects, we optimise our services in a continuous improvement process. Only in this way can we continue to meet our high standards and fulfil our customers' expectations in the future.

Our certifications


Become part of our success

If you value working independently and want to contribute your motivation and commitment to an innovative environment, then become part of our team and take advantage of the opportunities and possibilities of a growing company.

Your job options