Kompetenzbereich Labor

Our geotechnical laboratories

Precision and efficiency for soil and rock mechanics

Dr. Spang GmbH has two state-of-the-art, company-owned laboratories in Witten and Esslingen, which are fully equipped for geotechnical investigations in the field of soil and rock mechanics. Since the company was founded, the geotechnical laboratories have been continuously expanded, optimised and kept at the cutting edge of technology through long-term investment planning. The laboratory in Witten was most recently extensively expanded and modernised in 2024. Our experienced and competent laboratory team now carries out comprehensive geotechnical analyses on a total area of 650 m². At least six full-time building material testers, supported by trainees, guarantee that the tests are carried out in a precise and reliable manner.

Core competences and examination procedures

Classification of soil and rock samples

Determination of grain size distribution, plasticity parameters and other soil mechanical properties.

Permeability tests

Determination of hydraulic conductivity under varying load and environmental conditions.

Analysis of the deformation behaviour

Compression and consolidation tests to investigate the settlement and shear deformation properties.

Strength tests

Direct and triaxial tests to determine shear strength and other mechanical parameters.

Comprehensive geotechnical field work

Precision and reliability on site

Our fieldwork is designed to collect precise geotechnical data that is essential for the planning and implementation of construction projects. Our field work is the basis of our precise and in-depth geotechnical analyses. We offer a wide range of specialised services with state-of-the-art equipment and an experienced team. Our specialised technicians and engineers use state-of-the-art methods and equipment to obtain accurate and reliable data. By immediately processing and analysing the samples obtained, we can deliver fast and precise results that enable efficient and targeted project planning.

Comprehensive geotechnical field work

The extensive analysis data from the combination of these diverse methods ensures a detailed exploration and evaluation of the geotechnical conditions, which are essential for safe and efficient project planning.

Small percussion drilling

Implementation of small percussion drilling to take soil samples and determine the geological layer sequence.

Dynamic probing (DPH, DPM, DPL)

Use of various dynamic probing techniques to determine the bearing capacity and consistency of the soil.

Construction of groundwater measuring points

Establishment and monitoring of groundwater measuring points to observe and analyse groundwater conditions.

Pumping tests

Performance of pumping tests to determine the hydraulic properties of aquifers and to determine the permeability of the subsurface.

Direct-Push soundings

Application of direct-push soundings for fast and efficient soil sampling and in-situ analysis.

Measurement of on-site parameters

Measurement of important parameters directly on site, such as pH value, conductivity and temperature, to enable an immediate assessment of the soil and water quality.

Calculation of the permeability coefficient values on site using borehole infiltrometers

Determination of the permeability coefficient values of the soil directly on site using borehole infiltrometers.

Core drillings

Carrying out core drillings to take undisturbed soil and rock samples for detailed laboratory analyses.

Soil gas sampling

Soil gas sampling to analyse volatile organic compounds and other pollutants.Soil gas sampling to analyse volatile organic compounds and other pollutants.