Commitment to research and education
Focusing on the future
With its commitment to university research and education, Dr. Spang GmbH not only strengthens the scientific community, but also creates direct benefits for practice. The intensive exchange between students, researchers and industry results in innovative solutions that can be directly applied in industry. Students also benefit from practical insights and projects that make their transition into professional life easier. For the company, this transfer of knowledge and experience means constant access to new ideas and talent, which increases competitiveness and innovative strength in the long term.
Theory and practice
University collaboration
Since the company was founded by Dr Raymund Spang, Dr. Spang GmbH has stood for high scientific standards. The exchange with universities and research institutions has been intensified over the years with the aim of expanding the transfer of knowledge and experience between theory and practice.
Very close contacts currently exist with the universities in Mülheim an der Ruhr, Augsburg and Stuttgart:

Institute of Civil Engineering at the Ruhr West University of Applied Sciences (HRW) in Mülheim: In addition to his work in our company, Professor Dr René Schäfer has been teaching at the Institute of Civil Engineering, Geotechnical engineering department since 2013.

Department of Civil Engineering at Stuttgart University of Applied Sciences: Prof. Dr mont. Paul Gehwolf heads our Munich branch. He was appointed to the University of Applied Sciences in 2023, where he teaches tunnelling and construction management.

Faculty of Architecture and Civil Engineering at Augsburg University of Applied Sciences: In addition to his teaching activities in the fields of soil mechanics, foundation engineering, rock mechanics, foundation engineering and tunnelling, Professor Dr.-Ing. Jens Gattermann is also involved with our company as a consultant and freelancer.

"By actively participating in research and education, we secure access to the latest findings and strengthen our innovative power and competitiveness."
Dipl.-Ing. Christian Spang
Dipl.-Wirtsch.-Ing. Christoph Spang
Managing Directors
Knowledge for the future
Research projects
The fields of civil engineering and geology are constantly changing and proven methods are being expanded by new approaches, procedures and competencies. We at Dr. Spang GmbH want to be part of this further development and play an active role in it, which is why we are developing and participating in various research projects in the different specialist areas.
Selected research projects include:
Research project on “Development of a new type of laboratory test cell and an in-situ monitoring system for the assessment of contact erosion and suffosion in the planning and monitoring of flood protection structures” in cooperation with APS Antriebs-, Prüf- und Steuertechnik GmbH and Ruhr West University of Applied Sciences (since 2016).
Research in the field of “Classification of rock slopes” in collaboration with the Ruhr University Bochum, Professor Dr Michael Alber, Institute of Geology, Mineralogy and Geophysics, among others.
A research project in the field of deep foundations in co-operation with Münster University of Applied Sciences, funded by AIF Projekt GmbH, Berlin. Supported by our activities in the field of research, we are now also authorised to use the “Innovative through research 2020/2021” seal awarded by the Stifterverband.
Growing with science
Scientific work
Doctorates by our employees are expressly welcomed and encouraged by the company. We also supervise Master's and Bachelor's theses, the topics of which often arise from the company's current projects. We give presentations about our projects at national and international conferences.
Our employees are involved in several working groups of the German Geotechnical Society (DGGT) and contribute to the creation and updating of regulations, particularly in connection with digitalisation, numerics and reliability-based methods in geotechnical engineering.